Tangible vs. Mythical Investments

Investors are constantly chasing that next mythical investment – the one that’s finally going to pay off and make them rich.  In the case of FTX, the failed crypto currency exchange founded by Sam Bankman-Fried when he was 27, it was a case of two levels of unicorns, that of cryptocurrency and that of a […]

The #1 Partner for Creating Success

When we think of partnerships, we tend to think of business partnerships.  For those entering into business partnerships, the goal is financial success.  And the key to a successful partnership is to find the right partner. Traits suggested in a potential business partner include: A Complementary Skill Set:  The first place to start when looking […]

The More Freedom You Have, The Less You’ll Fit In – But That’s A Good Thing

The more freedom you have, the less you’ll fit in. You will become an outcast and an enigma in some circles. You’ll be unemployable but also learn to say yes to more opportunities. But none of this should come as a surprise. You had to know that when you embarked on this journey of financial […]

The Four Freedoms That Drive Entrepreneurs

Immigrants have been coming to the United States for centuries, searching for the “American Dream.” Many immigrants couldn’t tell you exactly what the American Dream is, but they could tell you that, at least in America, they would have the chance and the freedom to shape and pursue that dream. Many seek opportunity – the […]

Master Money. Don’t Let It Master You.

There’s a dark secret to money; until you recognize it, you’ll always be a slave to it. This dark secret was exposed after the pandemic when inflation ran wild.  Consumers saw the effects of inflation these past couple of years, but many didn’t understand the causes. All they knew was that everything cost more. They […]

Conforming: The Illusion of Belonging

Here’s to: The crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t […]

The Government Protection Plan: It Does NOT Include You

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that the government and politicians are only interested in taking care of one thing: themselves. Take, for instance, recent news coming out of Washington. In light of the recent bank failures, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the government is prepared to take additional actions […]

The One Luxury Item To Buy First

Many Americans follow a familiar career path. After receiving their undergrad or advanced degree, they enter the workforce and start their life climbing the corporate or career ladder. Corporate workers aspire to management and executive positions, while professionals like lawyers and physicians seek to become partners or move up in their practice. As their income […]

Leverage OPE To Have More Freedom

How far do you think you could throw a 20 lb. boulder? Probably not very far. What about a 300 lb. boulder? That would be an impossible task on your own. You would need some help. For example, medieval armies recognized the usefulness of large boulders for breaking down walls and fortifications of opposing armies. […]

Prosperity Has a Poor Memory

Prosperity has a poor memory if your prosperity is in the wrong assets. If your prosperity is in something that can disappear overnight, then your prosperity will disappear with that something overnight. If your prosperity is tied to a bank, stocks, or a job, your prosperity can vanish when one of those things fails. The […]